At the gee gees.
Greetings from Royal Ascot, home of thoroughbreds; high fashion and titfers galore. A day for dressing up; parading; people watching and...

Is there anything else to add? Only that by this Saturday it will have cooled down, thank flip, 'cos I've got myself an access-all-areas...

Eyes on the prize.
May I turn your beady eyes to vintage eyewear experts Peep Eyewear who are running a rather fabulous competition. I was lucky enough to...

Quiz time.
Question: how old is this dress? Is it A: 35 years old or B: new. While you're thinking here's a clue - label reads 'St Michael Made In...

Fan action.
Warm climes today so thank goodness for a fan, the most versatile of summer instruments: a cooler; a blue bottle fly zapper and a...

Totally tropical taste.
Tropical thoughts are running through my head with this kaleidoscopic Marks and Spencer Per Una shirt dress, mixing up exotic birds;...

Floral 'flage.
Is your glass half empty or half full? I like to think I'm more the latter, hoping things will turn out better than anticipated, keeping...