Power full.
Sometimes you just gotta power it out and although this H&M shirt dress is from 21st Century-ville it sure does have a nod to the...

Fan action.
Warm climes today so thank goodness for a fan, the most versatile of summer instruments: a cooler; a blue bottle fly zapper and a...

Totally tropical taste.
Tropical thoughts are running through my head with this kaleidoscopic Marks and Spencer Per Una shirt dress, mixing up exotic birds;...

Floral 'flage.
Is your glass half empty or half full? I like to think I'm more the latter, hoping things will turn out better than anticipated, keeping...

Le weekend cool.
One dress, 5 ways continues..... today styled backwards, heck yeah, why ever not? My lippy du jour 'Parisian Red' by Bobbi Brown got me...

Brit grit.
Great retailing has a knack of looking oh-so-effortless: a well dressed window, a pleasing welcome and a glossy carrier bag. Job done,...

Life's loves.
Parking to one side your own, ahem, love life (like that's any of my flippin' business) this super soft On The Rise sweatshirt available...